Whānau Tahi Navigator
Whānau centred planning based on the whānau ora model of care. Includes whānau plans, assessments, referrals, group programs, contract management, dashboards and reports.
One Journey, One Plan, One Place
Our software enables case workers, managers, and other stakeholders with the appropriate authorization, to easily and quickly understand who is engaged with families, as well as how and what level of engagement they have.
Automation minimises the amount of effort it takes to setup a plans, and provides reminders, alerts, and dashboards to ensure the key activities are not missed or forgotten.
Whānau Ora
Other Social, Education, Housing Services
Medicines Data Repository (MDR) – View medicines prescribed and dispensed by GPs and Pharmacies
Mental Health and Addition Services
Community Collaboration Hub
Integrated Remote Hospital, Remote GP, and Remote Diagnostics (Seki.AI integration)
Integration with health, social, and justice systems
Contract Performance Management Integration
HL7 and FHIR APIs for integration (other methods available for legacy systems)
PRIMHD Reporting
Supports Australian and North American Regions
Capture case notes with ease
Create Dynamic assessments
Whanau-centric planning based on outcomes
Configured workflow based on your practices
Documentation management for key information
Scheduling for resources, bed management