Virtual care model piloted at four marae
Whānau Tahi are working closely with SekiTech to bring health and social services together through the Whānau Plan: a user designed and consented plan where both social and medical data can provide a true whānau led model of care.
Huakina Development Trust collaborated with technology company SekiTech to develop a virtual care model based around marae and delivered by trained kaiārahi or nurses.
“Marae health is fundamental to Māori health, which is why we are delivering at marae and whare oranga,”
- Maria Clarke said.
Huakina Development Trust te tumu whakarae Maria Clarke says the arrival of Covid-19 encouraged innovation and exploration of how technology could enable “whānau to care for whānau”.
A pilot project was funded by Te Puni Kōkiri through Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry of Social Development.
Four marae and three whare oranga were involved in the six-month trial using portable pods. The pilot started in May 2022 and trained whānau kaiarahi to remotely triage patients for the virtual GP.
The training includes the use of non-invasive health technology; MTX bio blood parameters monitoring, BioBeat watches or patches, a small multi lead ECG, and an integrated stethoscope that allows a doctor to look at a patient’s ear, nose and throat as well as oscillate the heart and lungs, all from a remote location.
Read more about the great work SekiTech is doing: Virtual care model piloted at four marae - Health Informatics New Zealand (